Whether you are new to cigars or have been smoking cigars for a while. The first question you may want to ask if if you want a mild, medium or strong cigar. From there, cigar blends vary widely and give each cigar a unique taste. Cigars are like any natural product of the earth that take time to grow, age and manufacture. From seedling to finished product is a minimum of 4 years for a premium long fill cigar. Long fill, is using a long leaf filler instead of chop fill found in very inexpensive cigars. The longer the tobacco is aged, typically adds flavor and complexity and like anything else is a major factor in the overall price of the cigar.
Once you have determined your strength desire you can move into the different regions where cigars are made. Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua are the three major areas where most cigars come from.
Final analysis of what your taste buds may be looking for can range from what time of day you are planning on smoking a cigar, what you had to eat and what you plan to drink with the cigar.
Usually in the morning you may want a mild, very smooth cigar, like a Montecristo White. In the evening after a nice dinner and with a glass of your favorite beverage, you may want something more full bodied with a little spice like an Ashton VSG.
122 Vintage Park Blvd. Suite E
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: (281) 251-4440
Fax: (281) 251-4472
Monday-Saturday: 10:00 – 9:00
Sunday: Noon - 6:00